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This past Sunday’s message was about forgiveness. Some find it hard to forgive others, some find it a little easier. However, I find that forgiveness is key to not holding on to the negative emotions that hold us hostage. Yes, I know that people hurt our feelings or do very negative things to us in this journey. However, in order to live the abundant life – Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full – it is very necessary to forgive. Forgiveness is for you first, and when the other person receives your forgiveness or vice versa, the enemy has no room for his schemes of division. Should someone decline to forgive you, it then becomes between them and the Lord.

Why is this point important? Because the Word says so. Believers have their instruction book and it is the Word of God. While we were yet sinners – doing ungodly and unkind things to ourselves and others – Christ forgave us. God saw fit through His love for us to offer reconciliation. Should we be so callous as to not offer the same to others? More important, is learning to forgive ourselves. Many of us stay in the rut of depression and self-condemnation because we refuse to forgive ourselves. Who are we to dismiss God’s forgiveness? We have all fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus died for that, remember. The perfect sacrifice.

This post is about living free in the Lord. We have to choose to walk away from the pettiness of the flesh and the darts of the enemy. The Word tells us to love others as we love ourselves. Many of us find this difficult because we don’t love ourselves. No, I am not talking about ego. I am talking about treat others as you want to be treated. Love others the way you want to be loved. Forgive others because you want to be forgiven.

Didn’t say it was easy. But perfect practice makes perfect. No one is truly perfect, but practicing perfect love moves us past our imperfections.

Talk to you soon!

Sandra V.

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