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After Decisions

Deep Thought

After making decisions on the blog and moving forward, things come out of nowhere to challenge the new focus. One of the things that irks me is when I sabotage myself. This week has been crazy for me. I made wrong decisions that have major negative impact and trying to recover to get back where I was with so much enthusiasm is an uphill climb. The thing about making dumb choices is you have no one to blame but yourself. Okay, now that that diatribe is over, I am once again focused. One thing to learn from making wrong choices is to consider the consequences that will follow. The consequences add more situations that you have to make decisions on and this is extra work.

As I move forward, I realize that there are times when you have to see the true reality of making those wrong choices. I look forward to when making the right choices is a breeze. I believe it is feasible but it takes constant awareness and trust. My trust in God and His plan for my life keeps me holding when I have made some major mistakes. At this moment in time, I do count my blessings. I am still breathing and yesterday is gone. Today is a new day and I don’t have to make those same mistakes again. And, although I have added some new situations to work out, they are nothing that God and I can’t work out together. However, I do have to say that God will be in charge and I need to follow His direction. This is my  journey.



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