Innermost Wants and Fears

Our innermost wants and fears are the things we hold on to because we still want control. Afraid to give them to God because we don’t trust that He will give us what we think we want. For instance, say I want my child’s salvation. I won’t pray for that child like I should because I don’t trust that God will save my child without some tragedy. I know that’s a harsh analogy. I understand it though. I used to (note “used to”) pray for my children and in the same breath pray that this particular thing doesn’t happen to them or that particular thing. All because I was fearful.

Instead of trusting that God wants the best for my child like He does for me, my thought process goes on a trip all on it’s own. Part of the challenge with trusting God is that He doesn’t always tell us the how and when. Most of us can deduce why…John 3:16. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

We still allow our innermost wants and fears to dictate our relationship with Christ. Instead of trusting that God understands you, wants the best for you, gave His best for you, the tendency is to hold on for dear life. The paradox is that life is lost without Jesus anyway, no matter how tight your hold is.

It’s time to let go of what you can’t control anyway and let Jesus shed His light on what living truly looks like.


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