I am Grateful for…

Gratitude Prompt: I am grateful for…

Today, I am grateful I can share with the many bloggers I have met through the Blogging U course in January. I am grateful for the inspiration, encouragement and information.

I am grateful for being able to read the journeys of many that show we are not alone.

I am grateful for Colline sharing what the ride to her writing class meant to her because I often give rides to others. I understand the value of time because I used to be on the bus.

I am grateful for family and friends, near and far.

I am grateful for the children I gave birth to and that God gave them life.

I am grateful for who I am and what makes me unique.

I am grateful for the gifts God gave me.

I am grateful for God’s love for me. That “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believes on Him shall have eternal life.”

Today, I am grateful…


4 responses to “I am Grateful for…”

  1. Yes, I am grateful for the opportunity to read your work. I have learned a lot. Thanks.

  2. Know that all those people you help with a ride are grateful for the time saved. The bonus is to have wonderful company 🙂
    Thank you for joining this week with a gratitude post.

  3. Beautiful, Gratitude is so important, as is sharing your thoughts with those that understand where you’re coming from.

  4. And I am grateful for you, Sandra. God has a way of bringing people together and I’m glad our blogs have crossed. Thanks always having encouraging words. 🙂

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