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A Confident Woman_Book Review


Finally, the book review for The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer. It has been a bit of time since reading the book. However, in dealing with the challenges that I was facing, the book truly helped me to keep my thoughts focused on the Word of God. Not only that, some of the information included was added to my daily spiritual declarations.

The book is broken down into two parts. The first part deals with confidence and includes historical information on the feminist movement. It is very interesting reading and includes contributions women have made to all aspects of life including education, science and politics. Joyce does a great job of breaking down things with simplicity and humor. She expertly applies Biblical principles from the Word of God to define what it means to be a confident woman in Christ. Her testimony is a catalyst from which she gives relative truth.

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She expounds on the virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman. I found the title of the chapter to be hilarious, The Woman I Didn’t Like. To be quite honest, I wasn’t so sure about the title until I read the chapter. After reading it, I found that her humor and candor were refreshing and gave a good spin on this woman. She broke down the virtues and shared key steps in how to develop the virtues of this woman. You finish the chapter with the clarity of who this woman is and how you can become the virtuous woman in your life.

The second part deals with fear, boldness and being courageous in this journey of ours. Joyce has an excellent chapter on Fear and breaks the components of fear down to the intricate details. If you don’t understand fear after reading this chapter, I am not sure what else you would need. She can be brutally honest but uses the charm necessary to give you understanding and inspiration. The last part deals with walking in confidence with boldness and courage as a woman of God. Overall, the book breaks down confidence expertly from the Biblical principles by dealing with the issues that Christian women face arriving from self-doubt, being in the ministry and answering God’s call on your life to dealing with the world’s viewpoint and being considered the weaker sex. It was enlightening and did not dismiss at all the differences between men and women. Her viewpoint that each sex is different for God’s perfect plan and how those differences enhance the opposite sex when considered in the proper perspective and in relationship.

While this book focuses on women, I am sure there are topics and information that are relatable to everyone. This book resonated with me because considering the issues I was dealing with, it seems that she spoke directly to me. Much of the material reinforced keys and other relative information I received from the Faithing It book by Cora Jakes Coleman. The timing in reading this book met me where I was in certain areas of my journey including learning to love yourself and living now in joy. While everything was not about the beginning for me, there was clarification and a deeper understanding in certain areas. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to grow deeper in the things of God. The next book on the list is God’s Gonna Make You Laugh by Noel Jones.

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