The Daily Process

Deep Thought

Today’s thoughts were on a few different things pondering the blog posts read today. My thoughts reflect on the daily process no matter what comes your way. One blog post read is about the spiritual warfare believers face and how it comes head on when we are walking in obedience. Check out the post by clicking the spiritual warfare link above . Seems like things are going just fine and you have exuberance for your obedience. Of course, the enemy is not pleased and all of sudden you feel like the dart board in a game of throw the darts. The key is to keep moving forward. God does have your back. You can read about this in the story of Elijah (I Kings 19).

Another post that was pondered is about doing the work to accomplish your goals. Check out the post by clicking the link. Disciplining yourself to do the work every day in order to move forward. Today’s thoughts brought me to the importance of discipline. Even when it seems like things are not going the way you think they should, the process of getting there becomes more significant. Giving up when it looks a little chaotic or too difficult is just what the enemy wants you to believe.

This journey is about the process. The day-to-day, down-in-trenches work that needs to be done. As I begin February with my posts, I am inspired to continue with the daily process. Although the need to alter plans comes up now and again, it is part of the process. There are details that will be worked out this month in the process. Fine-tuning is part of this process as well as time management in order to stay focused. Spiritual warfare and other distractions must be recognized to keep focus. Prioritize and when necessary, do what needs to be done in the moment to return to your focus.

The daily process is a reminder to stay on track. No matter what darts are thrown and what distractions come, stay focused and do what needs to get done. The rewards are a blessing but so is the process. Growth, development and fine-tuning are in the daily process.


2 responses to “The Daily Process”

  1. The journey is about process,and the process takes time. In time we are trained by life’s activities to become what we were made to be. shed weights here and there,take on new discipline,gain new perspectives….it is a daily process.

    1. Yes, indeed.

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